Fitbit has become a default way to refer to a fitness tracker you wear on your wrist, but in fact Fitbit is just one of the companies that make these trackers.
If you’re looking for a similar product, there are plenty of alternatives to Fitbit for you to choose between.
We’re guessing that you’ll want your Fitbit equivalent to have similar if not the same functions and features, but that’s not to say that a Fitbit alternative will be a Fitbit knockoff – many Fitbit type devices have their own style and appeal.
To help you select the best alternative to Fitbit, we’ve rounded up a selection of the best Fitbit type watches.
Our brief may have been to find a Fitbut substitute, but we think we’ve found some options to rival or even beat the original. We’ve also given you a run-down of features to look for in Fitbit like devices.